Last night was the premiere of the newest Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises." While many around the country were enjoying the midnight screenings of the movie, many folks in Aurora, Colorado were running from the gas and bullets flying at the Century Movie Theater.

Many people didn't know what was going on at first. Some thought the shots were firecrackers or sound effects from the other movies playing. It wasn't until the sight of people running and ducking out of one of the screening rooms that others knew what was going on. Witness Jennifer Seeger said that the gunman appeared to be wearing SWAT gear and kept firing only to stop when he needed to reload. "There were bullet (casings) falling on my forehead," she said. "They were burning my forehead."
People running out of the theater to escape were being shot at by the gumnan standing at the door wearing a gas mask. Police have identified the man as 24 year old James Holmes. C U Denver have released that Holmes just recently withdrew from their Neuroscience program last week.

The FBI currently have him in custody. At least three firearms were on the suspect. There are reports that he has set up his apartment complex as well. Police had people evacuating the area. Five buildings around the area have been shut down as well.
Originally reported was 14 people were killed in the incident. It is now being announced that 12 were killed with 10 of the deceased dying on the scene. Many others were injured including a 6 year old and 3 month old that was shot in the back.
This is crazy. I literally just watched this on a an episode of the show, "The Closer" last week! It was almost the same scenario except it happened in the mall and it WASN'T REAL (It was season 4,episode 10). I am guessing the shooter must have seen this episode too. I wish people weren't this crazy in real life. SMH. 2012 is that year for foolishness I guess. Get It Together!