Saturday, December 28, 2013

Chad Johnson Who? Evelyn Lozada Is Getting Married Again!

Looks like another athlete went to see Jason!

Former cast member of Basketball Wives Evelyn Lozada is officially over Chad Johnson's borderline stalking  creepy self. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Three Rings in a Row! Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union Engaged!

It's seems like 2013 is the year of Proposals!

First it was Kanye and Kim. Then it was Future and Ciara. Now D. Wade is taking the next step with Gabrielle!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Kim Kardashian Makes Fan's Night By Inviting Her to Sit With Her During Yeezus Concert!

You know that feeling you get when someone famous tweets you back on Twitter? Imagine a tweet inviting you to sit with them in the VIP section at a concert!

[caption id="attachment_1016" align="aligncenter" width="407"]Photo via Twitter Photo via Twitter[/caption]

That's exactly what  happened to one of Kim Kardashian's fans on Friday night during her fiance's Yeezus concert stop in New Orleans. The fan, a 19 year old girl with the twitter name @MyleezaKardash tweeted that she was looking for Kim before the show. Kardashian saw the tweet and told the fan to DM her so that her security could bring her and her friend to the VIP section.Kim_Fan_Tweet

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tamar Braxton Releases Two Music Videos "All the Way Home" and "She Can Have You"

Finally Tamar Braxton  has released not one, but TWO music videos after that "Hot Sugar" fiasco!

Tamar_Braxton_Featured Image_All_the_way_home_She_can_have_you

"All the Way Home" premiered on 106th and Park last night. The ballad's visual shows a sexier condensed version of an episode "Tamar and Vince" with Tamar annoyed by Vince and then turning around and flipping the script on him (Kind of like Beyonce's "If I Were a Boy" video). It's very cute!
Side note: Did you know this song was written by fellow singer Sevyn Streeter?

Check out video below:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Seth Rogen and James Franco Channel Kim and Kanye in Bound 3 Spoof!

I don't know whether to laugh or to be creeped out by this madness!


This is the End costars Seth Rogen and James Franco decided to shoot a parody of Kanye West's Bound 2 video that premiered on Ellen a week ago.

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

The video opens up with the introduction that follows:

"While on set of their movie, The Interview, James Franco & Seth Rogen felt inspired to recreate their favorite new video. Shot. For. Shot."

This is the final product below:

Friday, November 22, 2013

L.A. Reid Confirms TLC Has Not Been Dropped by Epic Records

Yesterday the internet was buzzing that hit girl group TLC had been dropped by Epic Records and that Pebbles was the one to blame!


L.A. Reid went to Twitter (where it all began) to shutdown all rumors of the demise of the "Waterfalls" singers' contracts:

Ava Duvernay Did That! Check Out Her Scandal Directorial Debut!

Last night's episode of Scandal was crazy! This was also Ava Duvernay's directorial debut for the show!

[caption id="attachment_917" align="aligncenter" width="900"]Ava_Duvernay_Scandal via Ava Duvernay's Facebook[/caption]

Warning! Spoilers below!


Did Epic Drop TLC Because of Pebbles? Guess Again!

There seems to be a rumor going around that TLC has been dropped by Epic Records after signing a deal with the company four months ago.



However this is completely...FALSE!

Who knew any movie could spark up so much drama? Especially when the story has been told numerous times before. I guess the visual of it all finally made Sister Perri say enough! Did anyone catch how she was quick to say she believed that Chili slept with her husband, L.A. Reid but kept saying she couldn't speak about the alleged false portrayal of herself in the movie because "of the confidentiality" as she put it...

Thursday, October 31, 2013

To the Grammar Police: Are You Worthy of Your Title? Take the Test and See!

Don't you hate it when someone corrects you spelling and grammar on Twitter and Facebook?

Me too! There are plenty of times when people are on social media sites typing statuses and updates and lo and behold they have made a spelling error! Most of the time it's because of that darn auto-correct aka T9 on your mobile device.


What's even more annoying are those people that point it out after you already realized your mitsake.

I know it's mistake. I'm being funny. See what I did there?

The question is though are they able to legitimately call you our on your grammar?

Pebbles Makes an Official Statement Concerning Her Portrayal in TLC Movie

A lot of back and forth bickering has been going on between hit group TLC and their former manager.

The members of TLC-T-boz, Left Eye and Chili, have always been very candid about the role that their former manager Perri "Pebbles" Reid played in their road to bankruptcy.

[caption id="attachment_865" align="aligncenter" width="530"]via Facebook via Facebook[/caption]

Weeks before the premiere of the movie Reid has been threatening to call her lawyers neither denying or confirming accusations in the movie...

Until now.

Reid released an official statement yesterday on her Facebook page to clear the air on her thoughts on her portrayal in the movie and the legal action she will take.

Check it out:

Is Miley Going Too Far? Singer Dresses as Lil Kim Circa 1999 VMAs

Happy Halloween!

Of course there are going to be some crazy costumes today...some creepy...some funny, but this one had me gagging up. Remember Lil Kim's outfit she wore to the 1999 VMA's?

That's the one with the pasty. Even Diana Ross had to cop a feel!

[caption id="attachment_858" align="aligncenter" width="500"]via via[/caption]

Well...singer/actress Miley Cyrus paid homage to the Queen Bee this festive season by donning a replica of the eccentric jumpsuit along with the purple bobbed wig to go with it.

Oh So Random! Woman in Missouri Told to Cut Dreadlocs Off For Newly Enacted Company Policy After Being Hired Two Months Ago With The Same Style!

It's 2013 and it seems that natural hair is still taboo in CORPORATE America...

[caption id="attachment_840" align="aligncenter" width="375"]via Fox 2 News St. Louis via Fox 2 News St. Louis[/caption]

A woman in St. Louis, Ashley Davis was told that she was to cut off her dread locks she has been growing for the past 10 years due to a change in company policy.

This is the same style she was wearing when she was hired...TWO MONTHS AGO!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are the Govan Sisters Gloria and Laura Getting Their Own Reality Show?

Just because Basketball Wives LA is over doesn't mean members of the cast are done with television!

[caption id="attachment_836" align="aligncenter" width="459"]via VH1 via VH1[/caption]

Draya was recently seen on an episode of Real Husbands of Hollywood as well as Laura Govan appearing on I Dream of Nene as one of newlywed Nene Leakes' bridesmaids.

With Govan back on the reality seen there seems to be an interest for her and her sister Gloria to have their own show. Right?

That is correct!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

90s Group SWV Gets New Reality Television Show on WEtv!

Omg! I love me some Sisters With Voices!

The hit group from the 90s SWV known for songs "Weak" and "Rain" is back on the scene with a new show on the WEtv Network.

This is not their first time on a reality show. Remember when Taj had a show with her husband Eddie George called I Married a Baller on TV One?

Check out the preview below:

Are you going to being watching? I know I will!

This is a Joke Right? Pebbles Plans to Sue the Late Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes of TLC!

I really hope this isn't true!


You would think Pebbles would have kept to herself after the Crazy Sexy Cool TLC biopic aired last week but for some reason she wants to prove the two remaining members right on her attitude and actions towards them. According to Cream BMP Daily, TLC's former manager Pebbles is allegedly  suing the owners of Left Eye's estate for some money owed in 1992.

Check it out below:

NBC Show Community is Coming Back Soon...Just Not Right Now

"Troy and Abed in the mooooorning!"

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"] via[/caption]

 I annoy my husband with that every time we get in the car to go somewhere.

I don't know why but it just seems fitting to do so!

Anyway after randomly saying it again the other day I wondered when Community was coming back on. I have been a fan since episode one so I was anticipating it to come back on this fall yet no promos had been released.

Luckily I have been distracted by watching Super Fun Night.

[Check Out My Recap: Rebel Wilson gets her own show on ABC.]

That's when I decided to befriend Google again and check out what's up with one of my favorite shows. The new season is coming but not until January 2nd of next year.

Rapper Future Listened to Beyonce and "Put a Ring On It!" Ciara is Engaged + Are the Pregnancy Rumors True?

First there was Kanye's proposal to Kim Kardashian. Now Future has stepped up to the plate!

This weekend pop and R&B singer Ciara was surprised by her homie/lover/friend rapper Future with an engagement ring for her birthday!

[caption id="attachment_797" align="aligncenter" width="608"]Ciara_Engagement_Ring_Future_Instagram via[/caption]

That ring is BEAUTIFUL honey!

The singer tweeted this over the weekend:

The proposal came just after rumors started to go around that Ciara is pregnant. The Avlon Livne dress she was wearing this weekend seemed to have kept the rumors alive.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

When Dumb and Dumber Get Together: The Republicans Want You to Know They Aren't Budging!

If you voted Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell into office be prepared to wipe the egg off of your face!

Senators Paul Rand and Mitch McConnell

I have been sitting on this for a few days debating whether or not to post it, but seeing how some people are arguing back and forth about this government shutdown not ending because of President Obama I thought I would show you this clip thanks to CNN.

Senator Rand Paul decided to have a conversation with fellow Senator Mitch McConnell about the game plan for scheming the nation into believing that they were trying to come up with a solution to the government shutdown quickly.

This is how it went down:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

When Ignorance and Racism Make a Baby: Jimmy Kimmel Wants You to Know Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act Are the Same Thing! Boom!

Do you know that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are the same thing?


Unfortunately a lot of people don't and are misinformed by these biased media outlets.

Fox News...*coughs*

Because of this we are facing a government shutdown with many people out of work until Congress (who are still getting paid) get themselves together.

Obamacare is actually the nickname of the Affordable Care Act. It seems that Jimmy Kimmel and his team were aware of this and decided to test random folks' knowledge about the healthcare act that has people in such an uproar. They were asked which healthcare act they would rather have and the responses were amazing!

It was bizarre to hear people talk about how they like one over the other especially choosing the ACA over Obamacare the most. The response one woman gave was that Obamacare seems to have "too many holes" in it.
*Shakes head in disbelief*

Check out these outrageous responses:

Not for the Kids! Rihanna Finally Reveals "Pour It Up" Video One Year Later

Rihanna has finally dropped a video for her hit single "Pour It Up" today and let me just say I don't think that watching this at work is a good idea...


The delayed video comes after it hit the radio station airwaves over a year ago. rihanna_pouritup_instagramRihanna_Pour_It_Up_Screenshot

Side Note: Anybody else get that Joseline Hernandez vibe with the short curly blonde hair she's rockin?


Vanessa Simmons is Adding a New Addition to the Simmons Dynasty!

I was just saying that I hadn't heard anything about Vanessa Simmons in awhile. While her sister Angela has been hustling her interviewing skills at BET it seemed as if Vanessa decided to take a break from the spotlight for a minute...Until NOW!

Vanessa Simmons Pregnant

The oldest daughter of Rev. Run and niece to Russell Simmons posted a pic of her sonogram on Instagram to share her news with the rest of the world!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Excited Fan Nearly Pulls Beyoncé Off Stage During Concert in Brazil

During a concert in Brazil Sunday night, Beyoncé was swept away by one of fans excitement for her...LITERALLY!





After a special performance with hubby Jay Z Saturday night for LeBron and Savannah James' wedding,  Beyoncé  returned to her tour with a surprise during her Mrs. Carter routine unbeknownst to her. While the "Grown Woman" singer was performing one of her chart topping singles, "Irreplaceable" she was making her usual rounds around the stage to pass the mic to her fans to sing along with her. When she passed it to one lucky fan he reached up and grabbed her and looked like he was trying to run off with the Queen B.

Clearly this man is crazy...At least that's my non-medical opinion!

The look on her face was fear and confusion all at once. I have to give it to her though. She could have let security drag him out of there ASAP, but instead while she was finishing her song (like a BOSS!!!) she put a halt to her team escorting him out as well as going back to him and shaking his hand.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Jimmy Kimmel Reveals Twerking Girl On Fire Video Was A Hoax? How Does He Know? He Was In It!

Remember this popular twerk fail gone viral?


Well it's fake! 

Jimmy Kimmel decided to create a video that would end the twerking epidemic that has spiraled out of control since Miley Cyrus decided to shake her chicken shaped tail feather in every animal onesie she can find!

Kimmel interviewed Caitlin Heller via Skype on his late night show about her decision to upload such an embarrassing video. When he gets ready to play the footage he walks into a hidden room on stage where Caitlin has been sitting the whole time thus revealing that this video was a hoax!

Jimmy Kimmel_Daphne Avalon_Twerk Fail_Hoax



Yep it was fake!

Eddie Murphy Joins Snoop Lion to Record "Red Light." + Throwback Chris Rock and Gerald Levert Song.

Who remembers "Party All the Time?"

*Raises hand*

Just when you thought Eddie Murphy would hang the mic up, he joined Snoop Lion (formerly known to us all as Snoop Dogg) on a reggae track called "Red Light."



Snoop_Lion_Red Light_Video

Check it out:

Gucci Mane Deletes Twitter! I Think His Tutor Suggested That He Should Take A Break From Spelling This Week!

Last night Gucci Mane was the trending topic of Twitter when he decided to tweet every scandal he could think of about some of his celebrity peers!

[ Check that out here if you missed that: Gucci Goes In On Everyone After Being Dropped From Label. Nicky Minaj Responds Calling Him Bubba Gump! ]

After responses from several artist and their stans, it seems that the rapper decided to delete his Twitter account.

Young Throwback_Gucci Mane

His brother, an artist by the name of Young Throwback, claims Gucci did not post these tweets but instead he insisted that his page was hacked.

Here are a couple of his tweets defending his brother:

@gucci1017. Eh this gucci brother sum1 hack brah twitter. Yall tr y sabotage brah. Dat messed up let gucci b. GOD kno d truth. Hackers.

#guwop dnt know if its a mad artist or ex-girl friend folks evil. @gucci1017.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Gucci Goes In On Everyone After Being Dropped From Label. Nicky Minaj Responds Calling Him Bubba Gump!

Gucci Mane has officially lost his mind!

A few hours ago the "I Think I Love Her" rapper decided to go in on some of his industry peers out of no where on Twitter. He also claims to have smashed quite a few celebs including Nicki Minaj, Monica, Kelly Rowland, Ciara, Fantasia, and Black Chyna.
*Insert side eye here.*

This is just a few tweets he posted about them:
Me and waka fuck nikki minaj dats nothing.

Tell. Her intervention my dick in her throat I moved dat bitch to atl. Bitch u was sleepin n d car. Bitch. I pulled dat bitch off wayne bus

Me and waka fucked chyna tyga girl at d w south beach dats nuthin. Ask dj holiday Em n her mouth. Waka. N her ass. True

Ask ciara did she ride dat bike 4 gucci in cali while she was with 50 ask kelly did she cum to patchwork and onyx while she was wit shaka

Rappers Tyga and Rocko responded after their women (or exes) were blasted with so much disrespect on the social network. After Nicki got wind of the mess Gucci was talking about her, she went in!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Look At That Post Baby Body! Tamar Braxton Performs on Good Morning America for Album Launch.

Tamar Braxton-Herbert appeared on Good Morning America this morning and you would never be able to tell she had a baby three months ago!



Jealous much?

I am just a little!

Tamar spoke with Robin Roberts about her album, Love and War which was released today.

"It took about a year to do. And I feel like it's my best work yet." says the Tamar and Vince reality star.

[caption id="attachment_704" align="aligncenter" width="610"]Via Via[/caption]

She says the album focuses on the ups and downs of her relationship with her husband Vincent Herbert, manager of her as well as Lady Gaga and boy group Mindless Behavior.

"Last season in 'Tamar & Vince,' we went through a lot, and I like to say that this is the soundtrack to our relationship, Love and War because everyone experiences love, but sometimes it feels like war."

Monday, August 19, 2013

New Music From Janelle Monae: Primetime ft. Miguel + The Electric Lady Tour Dates

Janelle Monae has released a new single for her upcoming album The Electric Lady!

Primetime_Janelle Monae_Miguel"Primetime" is hot! The song features singer Miguel so you already know that these two vocal powerhouses together make this song off the chain!

Check it out

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Katie Couric Responds to Kim Kardashian: I Didn't Mean to Hurt Her Feelings!

Yesterday Kim Kardashian put Katie Couric on blast via Instagram after Couric told InTouch Magazine that she didn't understand why the Kardashians were so famous.

According to Global Grind, Couric didn't mean to offend Kim.
“I’ve met Kim before and I think she’s a really sweet person. I was responding to a reporter’s question, and explaining how I’m intrigued by the public’s fascination with her family. I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings.”

Friday, August 16, 2013

Kim and Kanye Are More Alike Than You Think! She Puts Katie Couric On Blast!

Kim Kardashian is tired of playing nice!


After famous journalist and talk show host Katie Couric tried to diss the Kardashian family in InTouch Magazine, Kim pulled a Kanye West to put Couric back in her place!

Kim posted a picture of a gift from Couric on instagram with the caption:


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Russell Simmons Removes Controversial "Harriet Tubman Sex Tape" Video and Issues Apology

Yesterday a "Sex Tape" of Harriet Tubman was uploaded to Russell Simmons' YouTube channel and the internet went crazy!

Harriet_Tubman_Tape_Parody Harreit Tubam_Sex Tape_Parody

In the video Harriet Tubman, played by Shanno Malcolm, and another slave (YouTuber De Storm) decide to blackmail their master into letting her form the Underground Railroad by creating a sex tape. What is shown next is Harriet engaging in over the top sexual positions with her "massa" while her cohort is hiding in the closet filming everything.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jaheim Releases New Music Video Featuring Vivica A. Fox, Lisa Raye, and Cynthia Bailey

R&B singer Jaheim has come out of hiatus to release a new video for his single "Age Ain't A Factor."Jaheim Age Ain't A Factor Artwork_

The song is from Jaheim's upcoming album, "Appreciation Day." In the song he talks about dating an older woman and how fine and together she is.

The video, directed by Derek Blanks has appearances by three ultra hot chicks: Real Housewives of Atlanta star and model Cynthia Bailey, actress and producer Vivica A. Fox, and actress, model and former First Lady of Turks and Caicos Lisa Raye. Jahiem-Vivica Fox-Lisa Raye-Cynthia Bailey-Age Ain't A Factor Video

Hooking up with Essence for their 'Ageless Beauty' campaign Jaheim is photographing the ladies while they lip-sync the lyrics and strike some fierce poses, showing the world how grown women do. Yaaaaaassss! Werk ladies, werk!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Mimi Faust Is Officially the Side Piece! Love and Hip Hop Atlanta's Stevie J and Joseline Are Married Honey!

Mimi is probably somewhere feeling as numb as her new boobs after hearing this news.

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta star Stevie J finally stopped the bus long enough to wife up co-star Joseline Hernandez.Hip Hop Weekly Cover Aug 6 Stevie J and Joseline Married

If you keep up with the show like I do then you have seen all of the crazy stunts Stevie has tried to keep Mimi and Joseline on his bus of love. Here's a little recap of the last couple of episodes:

Joseline had been hinting to Stevie J that she was ready to settle down. After talking to his dad, Joseline decided to take matters into her own hands and propose to him so he could settle down. He didn't say yes, but he didn't say no either. He then turned around and proposed to her AND gave his favorite mother of his children Mimi a ring as well. As usual all hell broke loose and Ms. Joseline went crazy and decided to be single and that was the end of season two.

Too Fat For Fame? Kelly Price Wants YOU To Stop That Stereotype! Auditions Are Open To Be On TV!

Have you ever aspired to be a singer, dancer or even a model but told you were TOO FAT to follow your dreams?

Well listen to the haters no more!

Kelly Price Too Fat For Fame Show

Grammy award winning singer Kelly Price has created a reality show, Too Fat For Fame, focusing on plus size men and women interested in entering Hollywood. She is looking for actors, singers, dancers, models, designers and more.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

If Daria Was Turned Into a Motion Picture This is What It Would Look Like!

If you're an old young person like me you may remember this 90s show about the sarcastic teen name Daria Morgendorffer and the world around her...

Daria ScreenshotDaria Movie

Well...College Humor uploaded a trailer for the motion picture version of the hit show Daria. This time Daria is coming home for her high school reunion for Lawndale and her sister Quinn is in charge of planning it. Jane, Brittney, Trent and others appeared in the clip as well.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tamar Shows Off Her Son + Confessions of Feeling Unattached After Giving Birth

Tamar Braxton-Herbert finally revealed pics of her son Logan Vincent Herbert! She released pictures of her and son along with husband, Vincent Herbert, best known as Lady Gaga's manager.


Tamar appeared on Good Morning America this morning where she also confessed that she didn't feel attached to her son right away.
I guess in a sense I did feel unattached because you know, I really, really wanted to connect with him because I wanted to breast-feed. And when he didn't latch on and when I couldn't produce milk I just felt like, ‘Is this the wrong child?’ You know what I mean? ‘Am I the wrong mother? ...I was questioning my motherhood...Like, is this a mistake that God made? Or like, is this something that I need to hand over to my husband because he and the baby connected instantly. And I wanted that. And I guess I was a little jealous, pretty much. Am I being really honest here? I guess I am.

Framing Children's Deviance: An Analysis by Lisa Wade, PhD

After the George Zimmerman trial a lot of articles were coming up about race in America. As I was scrolling on the internet looking up random things like I always do, I came across a very interesting article about stereotypes and perception.

Most people are familiar with the young black male that was caught joy riding in his grandmother's car because he "likes to do bad things." The same incident happened with a young white male. Instead of criminalizing this child, his deviance was portrayed as something cute and innocent.

Preston Latarian Car Chase

The article interested me even more because it was written by a Caucasian woman, Dr. Lisa Wade. Dr. Wade is a professor at Occidental College as well as the Chair of the Sociology Department there. She inspires her students and the public to "think sociologically."

Monday, July 22, 2013

New Video for Kelly Rowland

Today must be music video release day!

Dirty Laundry Kelly Rowland 2

Dirty Laundry Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland has finally revealed her video for "Dirty Laundry."

In case you missed it story behind the song, it describes her abusive relationship with a former boyfriend.

The song produced by the Dream, was very emotional for the R&B superstar to record.